Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide

Anguished Suicide Note Cites ‘Deluge of Doublethink’ In Driving Kind-Hearted Shrink to Despair

Michael K. Smith
Legalienation News Bureau

Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”

“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom. “Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”

Psychiatrists are familiar with the human tendency to massage the truth to avoid confronting emotionally troubling material, but Yatom was apparently stunned at what he called the “waterfall of lies” gushing from his most illustrious patient. His personal diary details the steady disintegration of his once invincible personality under the barrage of self-serving rationalizations put forth by Netanyahu.

“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”

But it was. Yatom grew increasingly depressed at his complete lack of progress in getting the Prime Minister to acknowledge reality, and he eventually suffered a series of strokes when attempting to grasp Netanyahu’s thinking, which he characterized in one diary entry as “a black hole of self-contradiction.”

The first of Yatom’s strokes occurred when Netanyahu offered his opinion that the 911 attacks on Washington and New York “were good.” The second followed a session in which Netanyahu insisted that Iran and Nazi Germany were identical. And the third occurred after the Prime Minister declared Iran’s nuclear energy program was a “flying gas chamber,” and that all Jews everywhere “lived permanently in Auschwitz.” Yatom’s efforts to calm Netanyahu’s hysteria were extremely taxing emotionally and routinely ended in failure. “The alibi is always the same with him,” complained another diary entry. “The Jews are on the verge of annihilation at the hands of the racist goyim and the only way to save the day is to carry out one final massacre.”

Yatom was apparently working on converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case. Several chapters of an unfinished manuscript, entitled “Psychotic On Steroids,” were found in his study. The excerpt below offers a rare glimpse at the inner workings of a Prime Minister’s mind, at the same time as it reveals the daunting challenge Yatom faced in seeking to guide it to rationality:

Monday, March 8

“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”

-----Michael K. Smith is the author of "Portraits of Empire" and "The Madness of King George," from Common Courage Press. He can be reached at proheresy@yahoo.com


  1. How revealing and fascinating to be more familiar with the pathologically sick netanyahu.

    It provides valuable insight to the motivations of this incredibly twisted state of israel.

    Thanks michael

  2. This story needs its sources crediting because right now it looks like propaganda of the most dirty kind. I see that it is repeated on website after website on the net - verbatim, yet has not made any mainstream media either in Israel or internationally. Why? Israeli media debates events as such and Israeli political issues more deeply and with more introspection and self-criticism than seen in any other country's treatment of Israel. It seems unbelievable that a story like this (with no references whatsoever) would not appear anywhere else.

  3. This is inreply to the comment from "Anonymous" directly under owlbeyou.

    Google New has a free search engine to search news articles from all over the world:


    I typed in "Moshe Yatom" who the article calls a "prominent Israeli psychiatrist" and got no results.

    It indeed is not in the news.


  4. This most certainly is political satire. I agree it should be noted somewhere, people today are so gullible.

  5. My sources for this story are Israeli psychiatrists - colleagues of Mr. Yatom - who fear lawsuits for violation of client privacy. Some of them are treating Israeli cabinet members and dread public exposure of what they discussed with Yatom. They are also understandably embarrassed at their inability to "heal the sick" as it were.

    My article is in no sense "dirty propaganda." I sincerely believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is capable of being cured and deeply regret that Yatom blew his brains out as soon as he fully understood him, as any decent psychiatrist would undoubtedly have felt compelled to do.

    Let us hope that in the future psychiatrists of stronger mettle are found, so that doublethink can at last be cured.

  6. Why are no israeli news sites covering this story? I could
    see why they might withhold
    the suicide note but his death also? Haaretz has
    been very critical of Netanyahu I can't see them
    sitting on this. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  7. It's a satire, folks...based on creative, wishful thinking on the part of the writer, not fact. Even so, the analysis of Netanyahu's psychological condition in this piece seems to be eerily on target.

  8. After seeing that it's written
    by the same Michael Smith that
    wrote The Greatest Story Never
    Told I have a hard time believing that it's satire.
    It's been posted on a lot of sites so I'm sure that
    we'll hear more about it soon.

  9. It is very interesting, it should be made more public.

  10. Who is spreading that imaginary fraud Falsetinian proPALganda?

  11. Michael Smith ; Is "your sources" is you yourself? No source can invent such a fabricated news. There is no any Psychiatrist needed for BIBI but for those who are fabricating wierd "news" about him.

    Many of Israel and Bibi haters really need Psychiatric treat.

  12. I wish that this story could be verified, because it is certainly true that Netanyahoo and the entire Zionazi establishment are psychopaths, but until the writer can cite some "credible" sources (I know they won't be credible to Zionists, but so what?), I cannot pass this on as anything other than speculation.

  13. Mr. Smith, YOu need to state in your article as much about your sources as you can. In view of Israeli targeted assassinations, and of the kidnapping of people like Mordechai Vanunu, it is quite understandable that your sources would not want their identities revealed. They may even fear that they have "said too much already." But, you need to say as much as you can to your readers to explain this, and identify them as you do today as "Israeli psychiatrists--colleagues of Mr. Yadom." It will substantially increase the credibility of your article and given the reputation that Israel now has of brutally silencing opposition, I am sure that some of your readers will understand when you remind them of just how vicious the Zionist regime is.

  14. Yes, Mr. Smith, enlighten us as to your "credible sources". I understand that every psychiatrist on the planet is too intimidated to discuss what Mr./Dr./Grand Poobah Yatom told them in detail about his confidential conversations with Bibi Netanyahu.

    It's so intimidating that even the obituary pages are unwilling to come forward as to him being dead.

  15. Well - God knows the truth. You know, hypothetically or not my theory would include Iran. Why? because they want to eliminate Israel off the face of the earth, which will never happen if you know anything about the bible. Perhaps that is far fetched but you never know. I wouldn't put it pass them.

  16. I cannot believe the callousness of people questioning Mr. Yatom's existence. Is it not enough that he suffered and died trying to help the sickest of the sick? To deny his existence is to deny his suffering and defame the dead, which is worse than murder.

    He lived, he served, he died - trying to heal the tormented soul of Benjamin Netanyahu, the most ambitious undertaking of which mortal man is capable.

    His greatness is for the ages now. May he rest in peace.

  17. Michael K. Smith you are a total anus and an effront to the practice of journalism and not even a talented satirist or fiction writer.

    You should go back to digging ditches now that Obama has made some funds available for the
    nearly incompetent among us.

    After all you feel entitled to slur and blood libel an entire people. Your unholy use of cyber space will only result in your rotting in Hell for more years than your frothy mouth, genital smelling digits and diarrhea asshole can fathom.

    To make up this fairy tale and then jack off as idiots across the globe wishfully hope it is true,
    is an amazing abandonment of your humanity.

    Come forth with your sources and when you "report" someone's demise,
    make sure you can back it up.

    Come out of hiding, you moron.
    Your fingers must be so sticky
    from jacking off to the futility
    of your own musings.

    Thinking people of the world
    have a hard-on for you.

    What an anonymous name, to boot:
    Michael K. Smith

    Even your name is suspect and by the way your past books are selling for a penny a piece on
    Amazon. That should tell folks what a wonderful author and writer you really are.

    Every copy of every book you ever sold could be purchased for a few dollars -- the shipping would likely cost more for your drivel.

    Keep having fun at the expense of the truth...you are a liar and a fraud of the worst kind.

    A perpetrator of bigoted propaganda.

    The joke is on you. You have been unmasked and never more to be taken seriously -- even by those
    fools who would tend to gravitate to your misbegotten cause(s).

    Dig a ditch. Clean a toilet.
    Make a bed. Clean up shit after dogs, but do stop writing drivel.

  18. Michael K. Smith you are a total anus and an effront to the practice of journalism and not even a talented satirist or fiction writer.

    You should go back to digging ditches now that Obama has made some funds available for the
    nearly incompetent among us.

    After all you feel entitled to slur and blood libel an entire people. Your unholy use of cyber space will only result in your rotting in Hell for more years than your frothy mouth, genital smelling digits and diarrhea asshole can fathom.

    To make up this fairy tale and then jack off as idiots across the globe wishfully hope it is true,
    is an amazing abandonment of your humanity.

    Come forth with your sources and when you "report" someone's demise,
    make sure you can back it up.

    Come out of hiding, you moron.
    Your fingers must be so sticky
    from jacking off to the futility
    of your own musings.

    Thinking people of the world
    have a hard-on for you.

    What an anonymous name, to boot:
    Michael K. Smith

    Even your name is suspect and by the way your past books are selling for a penny a piece on
    Amazon. That should tell folks what a wonderful author and writer you really are.

    Every copy of every book you ever sold could be purchased for a few dollars -- the shipping would likely cost more for your drivel.

    Keep having fun at the expense of the truth...you are a liar and a fraud of the worst kind.

    A perpetrator of bigoted propaganda.

    The joke is on you. You have been unmasked and never more to be taken seriously -- even by those
    fools who would tend to gravitate to your misbegotten cause(s).

    Dig a ditch. Clean a toilet.
    Make a bed. Clean up shit after dogs, but do stop writing drivel.

  19. Michael K. Smith you are a total anus and an effront to the practice of journalism and not even a talented satirist or fiction writer.

    You should go back to digging ditches now that Obama has made some funds available for the
    nearly incompetent among us.

    After all you feel entitled to slur and blood libel an entire people. Your unholy use of cyber space will only result in your rotting in Hell for more years than your frothy mouth, genital smelling digits and diarrhea asshole can fathom.

    To make up this fairy tale and then jack off as idiots across the globe wishfully hope it is true,
    is an amazing abandonment of your humanity.

    Come forth with your sources and when you "report" someone's demise,
    make sure you can back it up.

    Come out of hiding, you moron.
    Your fingers must be so sticky
    from jacking off to the futility
    of your own musings.

    Thinking people of the world
    have a hard-on for you.

    What an anonymous name, to boot:
    Michael K. Smith

    Even your name is suspect and by the way your past books are selling for a penny a piece on
    Amazon. That should tell folks what a wonderful author and writer you really are.

    Every copy of every book you ever sold could be purchased for a few dollars -- the shipping would likely cost more for your drivel.

    Keep having fun at the expense of the truth...you are a liar and a fraud of the worst kind.

    A perpetrator of bigoted propaganda.

    The joke is on you. You have been unmasked and never more to be taken seriously -- even by those
    fools who would tend to gravitate to your misbegotten cause(s).

    Dig a ditch. Clean a toilet.
    Make a bed. Clean up shit after dogs, but do stop writing drivel.

  20. Story Mike post seem to match Ben violent behavior toward Gaza,Iranian,and most recent accident of flotilla.

    And the anonymous who accuse Mike of anus seem to be working for Israel because he post the same comment three time. Or is it a robot?

  21. Legalienation News Bureau is grateful for the billions of dollars in corporate subsidies we annually receive, which have made my books affordable for everyone.

  22. i am the spirit of the dead shrink and i hereby place the curse of eternal therapy on each of you who sent vile anonymous messages to the wonderful spirit who reported my demise...

    you all wanted to do it with your parents, didn't you? shame shame shame and guilt guilt guilt...

    which means geldt geldt geldt to us therapists...quick, make an appointment or i'll give you such a zetz you'll never be able to free associate and you'll have bad dreams forever...

    booga booga!!!

  23. Funny and more than a grain of truth but it really should be tagged satire

  24. very funny story, but not true.

  25. This story is so believable.
    It had me fooled. Everyone knows how blood thirsty and rascist and fascist israelies are and so full of them selves that they steal land and kill in the name of religious fanatiscism. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just a simple goyim that sees the bloody injustices perpetrated by todays new nazi ragime.

  26. Michael....the article and your comments are brilliant! Luvin every bit of it...way to go man!

  27. No surprise that nuttin yahoo had a Psychiatrist...lol. Just check their DNA, it will explain everything.

  28. To Michael and others who are truth seekers and who do understand the evil games politicians play everywhere the world over. Most likely this Psychiatrist did not commite suicide rather he was suicided so as not ever to be able and write his book and never be able to tell the truth about another demented politician.

  29. Sounds like the shrink may have heard too much.. And this was a carefully organized HIT to look like a suicide..

    It wouldn't be the first time and my hunch would go with the Netanyahoooo mindset.

  30. probably killed by Nuttyyahoo himself

  31. It is interesting. As one of the many Aspergers who use the internet, I pity that poor man; I understand him so well. For his little fantasy world that was so precious to him - die in his hands. Same reason some react so badly to LSD, when reality comes crashing in. What he sees in Bibi, is all I would say about your entire 'normal human civilization'. Not ALL of you. There is maybe 1-5% of your humans capable of seeing reality (depending on the topic). Nearly all your humans, mindless monsters, totally outside reality, from my view, an Asperger view, they are INSANE ROBOTS, not even thinking themselves, since what they think, came from a 'leader' who trained them, who I had already studied. They are not even alive, since all these ideas were programmed in them by others. Like now: I would expect the 95-99% I mentioned to thumb me down, curse me, tell me how insane I am. That does not offend or shock me, or trigger my suicide. Part of what I am, I can't STOP seeing humans for simply what they are: double-think insane killer robots, monsters, things. Beasts.

    That poor old man awoke to the real world, his pretty dreams died, and he ate a bullet.

    Very sad.

  32. Is that all you got of it?
    You care if it is true?
    The message was written by someone who can see.
    Double-think is not a myth.
    Then again, if are still waiting for others to tell you WHAT YOU SEE, really what hope do you have?
    No one who can see, was told.
    They can see.
    You live in double-think world, and always did.
    You can see it or you can't.
    It is in your genes.
    Can you see?
    Likely not.
    Likely not. Likely, you live in a world of emotion, and insulting others because you don't like what they say.
    I many ways I envy you: your HIGHS are quite high, despite your lows. Your ULTRA DRAMA LIFE, of ultra Drama enemies, and ultra drama friends, and ultra drama agendas - sounds all very EXCITING!
    Very exciting life you have.
    The world I see is far more grim and fixed, with rare awoke people, utterly wasting their time casting pearls before swine.

    The awake are GUESTS, rare unwanted guests, on a PLANET OF THE APES.

  33. There are more untruths in this story than a 1938 Orson Welles Radio broadcast.

  34. The story is false there is no psychiatrist, dead or alive, as all Israel's cabinet members and army personnel are; before God and in law, declared as sane and of the most moral and upright bearing. They have been chosen and are even more above the lesser chosens.


    Cass Dumstein.

  35. "Yatom was apparently working on converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case. Several chapters of an unfinished manuscript, entitled “Psychotic On Steroids,” were found in his study."

    People wake up.

    They killed Rabin too and take for a fact: This man was suicided in the hallmark Israeli "Marked for Death" fashion by those who revel in Targeted Killings. The attendant tragic screenplay is just more Hollywood Sayanim garbage put out via the Hasbara Internet Hagganah called "Megaphone".

    Another whistleblower murdered to the accompaniment of ridiculous zionist kitsch.

  36. He gives me the bibigeebies

  37. Seems like a bit of "tongue in cheek" propaganda, having said that, these type of things can only gains credence if there's some degree of "traction" related to the "percieved" actions of volatile individuals. Who'd chose to be "suicided" in this day & age?

  38. Har, har, hardie har! Good one, Michael! You got them all going with this one. This piece illustrates the power of the internet to viralize self-publication and f**k with the minds of the masses in the process. U rock, dude.

  39. Nuke em. Nukem till they glow!

  40. WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE PSY'S WRITINGS IN LESS THAN 24HRS OF HIS DEATH LOL Bullsh*t! They would be under investigation not publicised...and certainly not in detail. STUPID

  41. If only this story were true...The men in white coats could be sent in to carry him off...If there is one man alive today that needs to be put in a strait jacket and permanently sedated it is Nitwityahu...this tortured demented halfwit posing as a tortured demented half wit needs to be exposed for what he is, and if it takes fiction to do it then brilliant...play the nutters running the asylum at their own game....after all a bit of Confusion, mindless control and years of deceit never harmed anyone...Did it!!

  42. Why do people publish such mastubatory crap? I mean really? Get off your ass and write something you lazy anti-semitic shlub.

  43. Look attacking a peaceful mission of aid to the Palestinians on the high seas and killing unarmed activists is criminal and only a mental person would concoct the plans for it .

    All of the most powerful nations on the earth stand ready to defend the Jewish people in all circumstances
    but this will wane should the insanity continue.
    the Palestinians need to be protected now from the aggressors who have let madmen run Israel.
    Should madmen be allowed to continue they will hurt Israel and the rest of the world will not allow Israel to be hurt by the madmen from within and from outside Israel.

  44. Here's something you might like


  45. It is interesting that the same people who are critical of the author of the story and accusing him of hiding are in fact also hiding behind the title 'anonymous'

    Also, I want to say something to them. Truth hurts the liars and the persons who engage in equivocating nad double-speak. How do we know this?

    These morbid persons always use character assassination methods in their attempts to refute their opponents. To the sane people who read the stories on this website, don't fall for these distractions.

    If you don't agree with an author don't assassinate his character but deal with the issues only. Any invective used against an author ought to be seen in its true light; that the criticiser does not have any facts with which to refute the argument so he engages in all kinds of innuendo to bring down his opponent.

    Don't allow that method to work anymore. Let us deal with the facts and leave out all the hatred.

  46. It must be a true story. For 8 generations, my family has owned a farm planted with olive trees. Bibi enjoys the oil pressed from these trees.

    One day, he called me on my cellphone and said his wife needed a bottle of oil to make her delicious lamb and couscous. He was nearby overseeing a demolition project of my neighbor's house and asked if I would stay open until he arrived. I agreed.

    He came by 100 with soldiers. I sold him the bottle of oil. The soldiers arrested me and held me in prison for 90 days. When I finally was released and returned home, there was a massive concrete wall between my house and the trees.

    Since I cannot tend the trees, the authorities decided to uproot them all and build some nice tract housing on the land.

    Don't get me wrong. Bibi is an honest man. He paid for the bottle of oil olive. A few days later, his wife sent a nice thank you note with a photo from the dinner party.

  47. it's interesting bla bla bla whine whine whine you anti-semitic bla bla bloa cry cry cry. We are g-d's chosen! stop it or we might have to cry into our gay skull caps boo hooooooo masturbaters, anti whatever ya call it's. we are the master race, I cry foul!

  48. This story is false. BB Natanyahu is a murdering psychopath- is truth. QED.

  49. He wants Johnathan Pollard (an Israeli spy who stole thousands of secret government documents) freed from prison and brought to Israel as a citizen. They still won't give back the documents he stole and they estimated thathe stole enough to fill a large room to the ceiling.

  50. Michael.
    Just feedback. It seems that some messageboards (CiF) will tolerate the link to this story on Al Jazeera, but not the quote about netanyahu's final solution.

  51. This article is hilarious! Of course, it is all satire and very funny indeed...

    ...However, in the real world, Netanyahu's ridiculously fascist, almost insane behaviour is NOT funny at all.

    Thank you for a good laugh, all the same.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. If "you don't exist" then there's not likely going to be too much said ... is there?

    Helen Keller could see that Israel's actions are absolutely atrocious ... what you put out is what you get back.

  54. I have no respect for individuals who have no credible sources. pathetic

  55. Nice to see the pro israhell trolls are out and about. How much are they paying you know a days? Ae you paid by he word or how many times you can say Israel is great.Benjamin Netanyahu is a nut job don't his actions not prove this.

  56. I wonder what many a psychoanalyst, to the multitude of Muslim despots would have to say abt their 'patients'..
    But the PC media would brush it aside as usual.
    Israel is fair game of course..always.

  57. How about the multitude of Muslim despots around the world.

    All mentally balanced and all..lol

    ...but Iseael gets the flak as always.

  58. I agree that Israel is unfairly criticized while Muslim states are uniformly praised, especially in the U.S. media. I've frankly had it with U.S. leaders swearing eternal loyalty to Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, the Blind Sheik, and Ayman al-Zawahiri, while newscasters utter racial slurs against beloved Bibi Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders on a nightly basis. It's disgraceful.

    And I really appreciate all you people who had the courage to post the first thing that popped into your heads under cover of total anonymity. That kind of courage is rare, and I stand in awe of it.

    As for the guy who says nothing about the plausibility of Netanyahu locking his shrink in the basement, but argues that my post has to be fiction because schizophrenia is incurable, you're one sharp cookie.

    Nothing gets past you!

  59. lol, bibi would fry a psychiatrist brain with his twisted thinking, good fiction.

  60. Terrorist posing as a troll!

    Big LOL to the comments, especially Michael's last one and the three timer who is obsessed with the self-love habits of others to quite an alarming degree.

    It is so cute when idiots get their feathers ruffled.

  61. Prave jsem se vztekem pomocil a pokalel. Fuj, to je smarad !!!! Take si vybiram spinu mezi prsty na nohou a cicham k tomu.
    Vladimir Stwora

  62. When I listen to Netanyahu to speak, these days as earlier, sounds like the whole story is true. Friend of mine read the press report from Netayahu about Flotilla, and he said, he talks like Stalin. The story can be true, I think it is. Just listen to him talk. Scary.

  63. Even the most rabidly gingoistic handjobs of WDC's Capitol Hill Class pee on themselves and lose all bowel control if ever confronted by the prospect of NOT totally surrendering themselves to the almighty, holy omnipotence of Zionland. So, exactly what does the apostacy of Israel have on America, expanding even beyond the rest of the "Western" world?

    The answer is simple, you see, WHEREVER ZioPalestine has a major embassy in the West, there is also sustained at that location on a proverbial "deadman's" switch, a major nuclear weapon (and I'm talking about massive megatonnage, "dirty-bomb" atomics).

    There are (at least) two locations in the British Isles, that being London and Ireland. Germany has at least one in Berlin. In the United States, there are also multiple bomb-host-sites from Washington D.C. all the way across to Los Angeles.

    Modern Zionism had its organizational genesis at the end of the 19th century. The Scofield Bible was specifically published in order to assist Zionism's political composition and hijacking of Evangelical Christianity.

    Early on in the 1950s, the agents of colonial Zionland heavily infiltrated America's nuclear bomb producing facilities with the specific goal of purloining hundreds of pounds of fissile material and delivering it to specific sites across the nation. By the time President Kennedy got wind of what was happening, it had become a fait accompli. After Johnson's successfully blind, Tel Aviv-engineered coup, that newly sworn-in, blind-faith Christianite-Zionist was summarily given his "marching orders." HE KNEW, if he didn't follow them precisely, major cities in America would become nuclear wastegrounds. He also summarily ended and forbade any further investigation of Zionland's atom-bomb production facilities in the United States and beyond.

    From just a half dozen or so bombs then, Zionland has planted and maintains multiple scores all around the world. America is even required to sustain this infrastructure of nuclear enslavement with its annual 3 to 5 billion dollar a year Zio-tax.

    This is also primarily why AIPAC strictly monitors and approves all Congressional and Senate offices as its own personal appointments. While most Zio-shills of WDC don't know jack about this perpetually maintained circumstance of global nuclear blackmail, the ones who do reach highest offices (perhaps not Bush II) do realize that any defiance of Zionland's design of global conquest -- and especially if it discovers any attempt to seek out and neutralize those nuclear sites -- the Zionist hegimon has let all relevant world leaders know that, if colonial Israel can't rule the planet of their G_D their way, then there will be nothing left valuable to rule at all once they simultaniously ignite a global fireball of several dozen atomic bombs. To induce a global nuclear winter, all it would take is the simultanious detonation of 10 nuclear devices ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

    You think that Zionland's nukes are mostly kept in Palestine? That would require a global delivery system. Zionland has already delivered its 200-plus nukes all around the planet and within multiple, competing political jurisdictions.

    Consequently? If the rest of goy humanity does not unconditionally bend the knee, then their wannabe Kazar/Ashkenazi conquerors will induce a global nuclear shoa as its final retribution of suicidal conquest.

    Even the Chinese fear this threat. They (including the Russians, and most other major world leaders) also know that America has formatively performed as the Satanic handmaiden of Earth's Zionist enslavement.

    This is primarily why WDC has absolutely no backbone to even say "boo" to their titanically maddog, global Zionist masters.


  64. I realize that more than one person could have the name Moshe Yatom, but the only one I could find on the internet has been dead. Since 1958. And by find on the internet, I mean existed outside of this "story".

  65. I should also point out, I found no reference to him as a "respected psychiatrist" on the web IN HEBREW. Israel's respected psychiatrists would have their names known, and I couldn't find him.

  66. Vladimire, kdyz si tu spinu mezi prsty na nohou vystouras, tak ji smichej s hovnem a udelej z toho kulicku. Pak budes mit z cichani nejmene takovy pozitek, jako z cetby komunistickych Halo Novin. Mozna te to i privede k orgasmu. My to tak s Lin delame a nemuzeme si to vynachvalit.
    Na straz !!!
    Steve z Kanady

  67. when I see michael smith I will never read.

  68. Listen to Netanyaju and you will notice. It's all true. (if this story is true or not) The shoe fits Netanyahu perfectly.

  69. This is unmitigated deception and more global lynching of Israel. If it were true it would be broadcast all over the world. To consider this pro-Pal rubbish as "true" - and to post it here without proof - suggests a startling lack of political discernment.

    Two more points: I personally have never met a "psych"-anything (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist) - who wasn't incredibly confused and deluded. The whole system is false to the core.

    Secondly, Bibi has guts and brains. That the world regards the 9 Turkist jihadists who attacked the soldiers with bars and sticks as "peace activists" suggests they could use some time on the cushion,

    Why did you post it here Mr. Bodhri? I'm amazed you did, to be frank.

  70. I couldn't agree more. Those poor, defenseless Israeli commandos who were lured into forcefully boarding vessels in international waters are the real peaceniks. I salute their courage.

    People who defend themselves against being boarded by pirates are criminals, not peace activists! Why can't the world see that?

  71. I can only say this article has no supporting documentation whatsoever and is therefore not worthy of serious consideration. Without any credible sources its about as trustworthy as me claiming to be an alien ambassador from a parallel universe... on what grounds would you believe me? Unless, of course, you want to believe me... likewise anyone who believes this article does so not because it has any grounding in truth but simply because they want to, either because they have an anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish agenda or simply because it appeals to their view of the world, politicians in general and Israel ones in particular.

    Please note: I am not pro-Israel or anti-Palestinian. Like the majority of people I simply believe that all people should live in Peace, respect one another and seek to make the world a better place for everyone. yes, I am a Christian but I have had many Muslim and Hindu friends, and have many who see themselves as atheists or agnostics. We can all agree to disagree without killing one another or lying about things that are not true.

  72. Personally, I think - as someone who is professionally engaged in the psychology of political violence, and the few (but significant), what is said in the article - that Bibi is an example of psychopathic personality, acting in addition to high positions in symbiosis with other psychopaths. Such is the case for classical psychoanalysis, in essence, completely inaccessible, and if the gentleman could therapist (is whether or not to), be in his place, so therapy is stopped, because it can not be good for either the client or therapist. If you long time trying to do something that is doomed to failure because it simply does not have the tools and knowledge that it could be successful (a carpenter hard to produce the Space Shuttle), then necessarily end up in the syndrome. Depression and suicide is the logical conclusion. There are lines of therapy, which could be the case in certain circumstances, Bibi (but is unlikely to relinquish power in order to undergo therapy) available from the neo-rank psychanalýzy I can think of so-called school of object relations. But I'm very skeptical that it would be possible to reconstruct such a personality. Psychopaths who knowingly assume responsibility for the murders (whether they warrant any) which is usually curable, and their hazards are usually isolated. Try something like this but at the peak of Israeli ...
    Mechanisms are able to present just the result of collusion of people affected by more or less severe personality disorders. Search ONU cause "who they vymlel head" is unnecessary because it vymílají each other. It's not complicated interdependentní linear causality. Imagine the mafia - they send someone to kill him to try and have something on him, then he might take. The question of the chicken and eggs with murderous psychopaths is unnecessary. No one they could "hurt in his childhood" so that there is moral justification for killing. Personally, I think for those people fit first criminal trial, sanity is not reduced, then the only possible treatment in prison. Much more important question I see here, why so many people are psychopaths in positions vysoých or even tacit support, and on the other side is so much fuss as it is vitiated by Klaus narcissistic personality disorder, albeit from a professional point of view it is quite clear rubbish. Some doctors are even (not only experts in the field of personality disorders), talking to him because it tries to get rid of legal capacity - had not signed the Treaty of Lisbon, has clearly combined with Klaus's political opponents and the loud přitakávání internetdiskutérů many others. Who is this crazy company?

  73. I am stunned that this slanted story has been published. It does not smack of truth in any way.

    What "preeminent psychiatrist", noted for psychiatric breakthroughs to his credit, would publically dish bizarre “information” about a client, much less have a book under way discrediting a current client who is also a key political figure? That conduct is against all professional codes for doctors and psychiatrist. He would have lost his license to practice. Period.

    The blaming of his "suicide" in a dramatic note outing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for irrational mental instability and painting himself as the "victim" of Netanyahu smells like a propaganda plot.

    If the psychiatrist is actually dead, it must have been murder. (Shot?.....How convenient!). The culprit couldn't have the psychiatrist alive to dispute their spin of damaging information concocted about the Prime Minister.

    If fiction, the plot is of Agatha Christie quality!

    “Evil is not something superhuman, it's something less than human.” ~ Agatha Christie

  74. What all these neo-Israeli nazi people over age 38, leaders and their shrinks, are suffering from is a "non-jure-de-jure economic recognition by the Vatican" porno contract contrived in 1993 to make the Vatican, which backed Saddam in the Gulf War seem civilized.

    It has thus far ONLY made all of its adherents, who had to be 21 or older THEN, trade souls with Waldheim to become Moonies after killing Rabin essentially FOR Moon.

    The only cure is to void the contract.

    There is nothing else going on that anyone should be being PAID for, absolutely no reason to think of it as Zionism, and no other way to clean it up.

    And since no people under 38 are ever included in PEACE TALKS, someone ought to demand at the UN that only the youth are even qualified to represent Israel.


    Even America should deal ONLY with what CAN be defined.

    The Koran supports "THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL", not Waldheim soul traders. Israeli young adults have Justice rallies and TRY to protect minorities. Young adults DID NOT and COULD NOT sign up for the porno contract 17 years ago. NO ONE UNDER 21 THEN COULD BE FORCED TO SEE IT AS SANE AND IT COULD NOT RUN WITH THE LAND.






    I am offended that you can't take the news of what I was addressing on the day Netanyahu paid a shrink to be abused by him

    I am more offended because I am the one who asked the Israeli Cabinet to give bin Laden SAFE HOUSE with Arafat so he would not be killed by the 9-11 perpetrating Taliban and al Zawahiri (but Sharon and they refused)and never told the Israeli people

    AND I am the one, when Sharon picked January 5 for open "heart" surgery, to "empathize" with my reconstructed Pentagon and rob us some more ... who called the Israeli Embassy and promised I could NOW get rid of Sharon just by moving a car I had parked and not moved in protest over the March 2001 Matt Hale visit to Connecticut.

    And God took him out on the 4th so all of Israel would keep paying the bills INSTEAD of letting me just kill him the next day.

    AND and called the Israeli



    March 8 was also the day the ridiculous global press caused an earthquake in NATO Turkey (then unifyingly surging against the Taliban) by calling Taiban Adam Gadahn "al Qaeda" ALL DAY LONG while LYING that HE WAS CAPTURED in PAKISTAN.

    I even made 2 music videos and posted an article on March 8 about the Waldheim-Moonie WARMONGER trance of it CAUSING the earthquake.

    So Demon Netanyahu's behavior THAT DAY, locking the shrink in the basement to promo a house takeover war I was ALREADY CHAINING UP WITH MUSIC COPYRIGHTS and vehemently ridiculing DOES NOT SURPRISE ME AT ALL.

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    Written 8/10 10:32 PM EST (appx)

  82. IT DID


  83. Cosmic Dodo Waldheim Stunts, part 1

    I guess I should describe what I call Cosmic Dodo Waldheim "stunts" in America because it is similar to the Netanyahu / Sharon/ Israeli Cabinet that said NO to rescuing bin Laden demonics that have NOTHING to do with psychiatry or real doctor patient contracts (and where there is thus NO confidentiality anyway)
    Simply put, after the 1994 Waldheim knighting which was practically immediately after the non-jure de jure Vatican economic recognition of Israel 1993 porno "contract", Janet Reno (not the State Department) should gave demanded that the Vatican sign a promise to leave its Knight Waldheim elsewhere before every Papal visit to protect the Thirteenth Amendment and our persona non grata banishment of Waldheim. She did not. This loosed a demonic hatred of our Sovereignty that on 9-11 took the form of attacking snake lockout buildings even though bin Laden was aiming only at the corruption then supporting Mat Hale, which was the FBI building.
    In 2000 it also had forced the execution of Shaka Sankofa without a Trial that ever noticed that his 1981 shooting at knees around the time of Stevie Wonder's birthday also coincided with the launching of a submarine named "Corpus Christi" that was funded in concert with a Bayside blasphemy of the Baby Jesus during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. IF THESE FACTS HAD COME OUT AT TRIAL THE "EYEWITNESS" TO A MURDER HE ALWAYS VEHEMENTLY DENIED WOULD HAVE HAD TO ADMIT THAT SHE COULD HAVE BEEN HALLUCINATING.

  84. Cosmic Dodo Waldheim Stunts, part 2

    In 1982 the Vatican had also forced a submarine name change to "City of Corpus Christi" although it is not a City, to cover up for it's "Mystical City of God" hideous lie and war with the Koran book misnaming Mary's father, with no one advising Pres. Reagan regarding the Shaka scene or the Mumia Abu Jamal arrest to cover up for it since Mumia would have tracked it, or the wrongful use of the Neutralities Act to prosecute Don Black who was allergic to the whole blasphemy. For the most part it was Giuliani's job at the Federal Bureau of Prisons to notice why Shaka was not Federally Prosecutable and to make sure Reagan was advised... and Giuliani did nothing of the sort.
    When organized crime finally confessed in 2000 to the murder in the Abu Jamal case, before the Shaka execution, one stilll reverberating Cosmic Dodo Waldheim stunt happened. It appeared that the must-kill-Shaka-submarine-machine was going to lose its star hostage journalist, Mumia Abu Jamal. Immediately and simultaneous with the confession a prison practically fell on Imam Al Amin, formerly H.Rapp Brown, in Georgia BECAUSE there is a Masonic Shriner's Temple Al Amin actually in the City of Corpus Christi in Texas. ALL THAT WAS REQUIRED WAS FOR THE GEORGIA COURT TO TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE OF THIS CORPUS CHRISTI/AL AMIN SUBMARINE LINK TO ESTABLISH REASONABLE DOUBT PER SE AGAINST THE HALLUCINATING POLICEMAN SO-CALLED "EYEWITNESS" SO AS TO FREE AL AMIN. BUT NO ONE EVER TOLD THE GEORGIA COURT.
    Now I track Cosmic Dodo Waldheim attacks and First Amendment suppressions whenever I sense them, so that the Congress will double lock the door and do what Janet Reno should have done.

  85. Depression can really aggravate the tendency to commit suicide. Maybe that psychiatrist has undergone a lot and may have not overcome or applied his own ways of overcoming problems.

  86. awht umsue Juggs kaydzv z yn d lvh

  87. Didn't you hear? The chosen people are the ubermensch - the Nazi's lied about being the real supermen - it's the Zionists who have been chosen to have dominion over all on earth to do with as they wish.

  88. Richard Studd - DenmarkFebruary 14, 2012 at 2:34 AM

    Check the following link from Benjamin Fulfords blog spot.



    Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20120213:

    Controlled implosion of Federal Reserve Board and ECB continuing as planned.

    The controlled implosion of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank is continuing and must be completed before a new financial system can go online, according to Pentagon and other sources. In addition, action is soon expected against criminals like Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu murdered his psychiatrist Moshe Yatom after Yatom began revealing Netanyahu’s insane plans to work with Mossad agent and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmajinedad to start World War 3. Netanyahu also phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan after the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster and threatened to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear plants unless Japan handed vast sums of money to his criminal cabal. Other individuals expected to be “dealt with” include Henry Kissinger, J. Rockefeller, Carl Rove, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Rahm Emmanuel, the Bush family and Yasuhiro Nakasone."

    Lets oust these criminals and their war mongering fear based cabals and create peace and prosperity for all our brothers and sisters.

    Namaste //R.

  89. hehe, but how many little soldiers of bibi are here.. just write his name and all arrive hehe..

  90. I for one believe it. The Prime Minister is crazy and any Jew who thinks the land belongs to them is crazy. I believe Benjamin Fulford. I guess the NWO has done a good job at this to make any claims against them seem so incredulous that who could believe it? The story goes back thousands of years...all one needs to do is a little digging. But we are in America, where people people are too busy catching up on the Kardashians or waiting in line for another Iphone. They'll find out the truth sooner or later and there will be no denying it at that point.

  91. i believe that he was killed and setup to look like suicide. and I believe there are a lot of isreal trolls on here too. I come from jew descent but you know what? that "land" is not "ours". we are no better than anyone else and I don't even believe in religion anymore. Isreal is a land that was carved out by Zionist freaks. If you are want to sit here and argue that the land is theres, then I guess America should also carve out some land for the Native Americans we stole it from....

  92. You just masturbate your Faulsetinian proPALganda lies and enjoy it......

  93. The only psychopath in this story is Michael Smith!

  94. After learning about things that dwell outside the box known as tv, I came across this recently which has helped tie alot of the research I've done together. Hope it helps some people.


  95. Mr. Smith, it might be a good idea if you refused "anonymous" posts even if they agree with you. Especially when you are dealing with Talmudic Jews, who wil slander you with the meme "anti-semitic" every chance they get. At least if they are gonna do that, get some kind of ID off them so you can sue them alter. Your defense: since Arabs are also Semites and most Jews hate Arabs (and most of these are Askenazim, who are Japethic because they came from the Khazar Empire and are converts, not true Jews), then you can turn the tables on them because they are also anti-semites! That is why I do not accept "anonymous" posts.

  96. that is "tall mode´s" disease.

  97. Yes, Mr. Smith, enlighten us as to your "credible sources". I understand that every psychiatrist on the planet is too intimidated to discuss what Mr./Dr./Grand Poobah Yatom told them in detail about his confidential conversations with Bibi Netanyahu. It's so intimidating that even the obituary pages are unwilling to come forward as to him being dead.

  98. This story is a hoax that Michael Smith must have picked up from some Netanyahu detractors and had the bad judgment to publicize.
    My cousin, who is a doctor, lives next door to the Yatom family and told me the real story.
    Yatom was NOT a psychiatrist. He was a urologist frowned upon but never censored by he Israeli Urologic Association because no complaints were ever officially lodged against him.
    He was known to perform plastic orchiplasty – implanting silicon testicles in patients with congenital anorchia (no testicles) or monoorchidism (one testicle) – a procedure with no functional benefit whatsoever and risky side-effects but apparently sought after by some patients for aesthetic reasons alone.
    The Yatom family maid told my cousin’s maid that Yatom performed an orchiplasty on Netanyahu, which failed and in addition that a poorly performed anaesthesia led to serious sequealae: neurologic deficit and cognitive dysfunction.
    Yatom apparently feared retribution and took the easy way out.
    All this article about the psychiatric therapy Netanyahu underwent under the care of his urologist is a bunch of absurd inventions. Any person with a modicum of common sense that listens to/reads Netanyahu pre-or post-Yatom can tell that Netanyahu never had any therapy.
    Michael Smith needs to verify his sources better before posting this kind of drivel.
    Another anonymous

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